Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The potty-training extravaganza

So, we are on approximately day 5 of the potty training experience. We started last week around Wednesday or Thursday putting Adam in training pants and no diapers. He has had one accident at Aunt Mandi's on Friday, but other than that - no accidents. He doesn't like the feel of pee on his legs, so I think he is going down the right path. It is so true that they just have to be ready and there really is no use in trying to make it happen any sooner. I also must admit, there is nothing cuter than seeing his skinny little butt in real underwear. He is just getting to be so big and independent. It's good, but sad for mom and dad. He also enjoys going to the bathroom outside. With the weather being so nice, we have been outside every night. There is no time to run inside to go to the bathroom, so he has found a nice big bush to pee on. The joys of being a boy, I guess. Us girls will never understand.

On another note, I had a doctor's appointment last week. Everything is going fine. The heartbeat was 156. It is so amazing to hear the heartbeat. So far, my pants are tight but other than that I haven't felt any movement or anything yet. I've gained a little over 2 pounds, but it feels like 20. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that I actually am pregnant, so it's nice to hear the heartbeat. According to Becky (my midwife) I should be feeling movement by my next appointment. That's my favorite part!!

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