Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh the joys of prenancy

There are lots of good things about being pregnant. I must admit that I liked being pregnant with Adam (until the end - then it was no fun). Anyway, it's funny how soon a person forgets all of the other little things about being pregnant. While I haven't had tons of changes and symptoms yet, there is one thing that is rearing it's little head. For those of you who have had kids - you will totally understand. Basically, I would give anything just to sleep through the night without having to make a middle-of-the-night trip to the bathroom. Last night I had to make 2 trips! Oh it just drives me crazy. I just want to sleep the whole night through. I guess maybe it's just your body's way of preparing you for when you actually have the baby and have to get up all night. Other than that, things are pretty good. My pants are getting tighter and my stomach is getting rounder and harder. Jeff says that it's getting harder because of all of the sit-ups I have been doing. I don't know what he's thinking. I hate to say it but I haven't done a sit-up for a LONG time. I think it's his way of trying to make me feel better.

Jeff is teaching Adam to "talk" to the baby now. It is so funny. Adam will only talk into my belly button (because otherwise the baby couldn't hear him - ha, ha). He says "Hi Baby" in a really high-pitched voice. On Saturday I was sitting on the couch and Adam came up to my belly and said (into my belly button of course) "Hi Baby, I love you." It was adorable. I wish I would have caught it on video.

Brandi and I checked the Chinese birth chart today. According to it, we will be having a boy. Although it has been accurate for almost everyone in our office and was accurate when I had Adam, I'm not placing any bets on it. Brandi is convinced it is wrong and we are having a girl. Guess we will just have to wait and see!

1 comment:

memoriesbybrandi@yahoo.com said...

Oh yes and she will be adorable like her mama.