Monday, September 8, 2008

My Favorite Cowboy

This past weekend we went to the rodeo in Ft. Madison. First we went to the parade and Adam loved watching the horses, tractors, and trucks. Then that evening we went to the rodeo. It was Adam's first trip to the rodeo, and although it rained, I think he really liked it. He even got his own cowboy hat. It's pretty cute.

Other than that, we have just been busy working on the potty training thing and playing outside. Things are starting up for the year. We start KinderMusik tomorrow night and then start Bible study back up on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I have to miss the first night of Bible study because I have a massage scheduled. I know, poor me! I can't wait for the massage, it will be wonderful. It is just scary to think that Christmas will be here soon. It seems like this time of year just flys by. Before we know it, Jeff and I will be bringing a new baby home from the hospital. Which reminds me - I felt the baby move for the first time last Thursday evening. Now everything seems so real. I always knew that it was real - but now it's REALLY REAL. It was my favorite part of being pregnant with Adam. I love feeling it move. When you think about it though, it is so weird. There is literally a human being in my stomach moving around and pushing on my stomach. It blows my mind. There is no real way to describe it, it's just awesome. I will admit though, when it moves around when it is about 8-9 months - things do get a little uncomfortable.


Michelle said...

That was my favorite part about pregnancy also!!! If we could just have the fun parts and skip those uncomfortable days!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you there! I loved being pregnant (minus morning sickness, leg cramps, OUCH!) Glad you are doing well and I'm so excited for you!!! We need to do lunch....pick a date & let me know!! - Sarah Modrell

pammyjo said...

Did you get your little guy a cowboy hat? LOL I bet he'd look handsome. He's so cute. I can't decide girl or boy yet, I don't have handle on it yet.