Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Quick Update

Peace and quiet at last - or at least, that's what I thought. Adam is on this kick where he wants daddy and only daddy to lay with him at night before he goes to sleep. Mom just isn't cutting it anymore - or at least isn't for this month. Anyway, Jeff and Adam were laying down upstairs, so I decide (after a little encouragement from Connie) to do some writing. Notice, I said "were laying down upstairs." Jeff is now downstairs in the living room and Adam is upstairs yelling "Mommy, Mommy." All of a sudden, at the exact moment I start to type, Mom is the person he wants, not daddy. Whatever.

Anyway, real quickly. Not much happening on our home front. We went to the balloon glow in Ft. Madison last night. I must say that it was pretty pathetic. At least, I wasn't impressed. Then they had fireworks after the glow. Adam is so cute. He calls fireworks - thunderworks. It is darling.

(Oh, if you are wondering - Adam is quiet right now. Maybe he has gone to sleep...)

Other than the balloon glow, we haven't been up to very much. Just playing outside and going to the park. My 10 year class reunion is this weekend. I am excited to see friends that I haven't seen for years. This past Saturday a few of us got together to print the memory books. It is so neat to look through the information that people submitted. We've still got some work to do this week, but things are falling into place. Now if I could just figure out what to wear. Jeff says that he is going out and buying a new tuxedo t-shirt to wear. Can you imagine him showing up wearing that? I would honestly probably have to ditch him at the door. Hopefully I will have some fun pics to post after the reunion. There will be NO pictures of Jeff in a tuxedo t-shirt, however there might be some pictures of me dancing on the tables. Oh wait, did I say dancing on the tables? What I really meant was napping on the tables. These days, I would rather nap than dance.

1 comment: said...

you silly.... I bet you will be on the tables. can't wait to see pics.