Wednesday, January 14, 2009

4 Weeks to go

Today I had my 36 week check-up with the doctor. Unfortunately, there really is no news to share. Basically, nothing is happening. She said I probably will not be going early, so looks like I have a few more weeks to go. I feel really good. I am tired most of the time and would give anything to have a solid 8 hours of sleep - but I guess it is just getting me ready for after the baby is born. Jeff and I are growing increasingly excited to meet this little guy or girl. Sitting in the doctors office this afternoon made me feel nervous for the arrival. What if we don't remember what we are supposed to do? I just hope it all comes back to us.

Big brother and I went to a sibling class this past weekend. He didn't really pay that much attention. He liked the cookies that he got, and that was about it. I just wonder what he will think of a new baby in the family. I hope he adjusts well and loves it with all of this heart.

My predictions: I think it is going to be a girl. She is going to be born 3 days late on Saturday February 14th (all of my mom's grandkids have been born on Saturday). She is going to be around 9 pounds (God help me now!!). I also predict a long labor. I am not sure what Jeff's predictions are. I will have to get them and put them on here. It will be fun to see how everything really happens. Oh one more thing that I predict - I predict a really nice epidural.

God bless you!

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