Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend fun

This weekend was such a nice relaxing couple of days. Yesterday I ran (and walked) in a 5k in the 12:1 Run at Harmony Bible Chuch. Although it was cold and cloudy, it was a nice time. Then me and the kids just hung out at home and played. Today we woke up to SUNSHINE! Haven't seen the sun for awhile so it was nice. Adam picked that he wanted to eat at McDonalds for lunch so we went there and even ate inside - which I normally would not do with 2 kids. But they were both good. Then we went to my favorite store - Target. When we got home we made some cookies. Adam was so hungry that he was saying that his shoulder was growling?! I didn't realize that your shoulder would growl if you got hungry, but apparently it does so beware.

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