Thursday, June 26, 2008

What does a 2-year old eat?

Lately, Adam has become much more picky about what he will eat. He used to be great about eating his vegetables and fruits. He would pretty much eat anything we gave him. Now, for some reason eating is becoming much more of a challenge. His menu is limited. He pretty much wants to go to McDonald's and eat chicken nuggets and french fries. We are trying to limit the fast food, so McDonald's usually isn't an option. Other that that, he would love to eat cookies, cake, and Curious George snacks (gummy fruit snacks) for every meal. Oh wait, he also eats pancakes. How could I forget about that?

So last night, we all went to the store. I was in the cat food aisle and spotted some cat treats. I thought - Well, I don't treat the cat the nicest, maybe I should get him some treats. I asked Adam if we should get the cat some treats. That was my first mistake. I said the word "treat". All through the rest of the store Adam kept saying that he wanted a kitty treat. I thought that he would forget about it by the time that we got home, but I wasn't so lucky. When we got home, we had all of the bags sitting on the floor and he started looking through them trying to find these treats. So I think - Well he thinks he wants a treat. Maybe I should let him have one. So I open the bag and hand one to Adam. (Second mistake) I told him to smell it thinking that there is no way he will stick it in his mouth after he smells it. Wrong again. He put it in his mouth, chewed it and the swallowed it. He actually ate the treat and wanted another one because it was "yummy". Of course I didn't give him another one. So apparently Adam likes Salmon and Tuna flavored cat treats. Who would've guessed?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh, where has the time gone?

I wish I had more to update you on, but so far life is just going by one day at a time. I remember when I was in school how it just seemed like the days and weeks dragged on and on. Now, time just flys by so fast. I cannot believe that June is almost half over AND the year is half over.

I have my 10 year class reunion next month. While so much has changed over the last 10 years, it seems like it was just yesterday. When I think of some of the major changes and accomplishments that I have had during this time after high school, it makes me wonder what will happen in the next 10 years. By far, the thing I am most proud of is my family. Although Adam is pushing me to my limits lately, he and Jeff make me so happy. (I will save my frustrations with the "terrible twos" for another post - trust me I have plenty!)

This past weekend, we had our "girl's night (day) out." We went to the Medium downtown and painted pottery. It was a lot of fun. I painted a "birthday plate" that you get to eat your cake off of when it is your birthday. Check out my masterpiece:Here is a group picture:

We had a lot of fun. I can't wait to go back and do another piece. I think I need to do a bowl for the ice cream!

PS - We missed you Shawna!

Monday, June 9, 2008

This is my life

I know, I know it has been a few days (ok, maybe more than a few) since I have posted. I have a valid excuse, although maybe it is not the greatest. Ever since Adam got his big boy bed, either Jeff or I have had to lay with him when we lay him down. So, during my normal time when I can get on the Internet, I have probably been laying in bed with Adam. The good news is though, that for the last 4 nights, he has slept all night without getting out of bed. We normally lay with him until he falls asleep, and then around 3-4:00 am, we hear his feet hit the floor and then the stairs start creaking. However, the last 4 nights have been good. No middle-of-the-night carrying him back up to bed. Right now, Jeff is upstairs laying with him. So, here I am. I am also enjoying Nashville Star. By the way - where is Tony Marques??? He should totally be on here. He would win - right Kelly?? Love it.

So, what has been going on in our life you ask - not a whole lot. Just work and home. Jeff is working really long hours on the weekends, so Adam and I just hang out. I am starting to teach a Sunday School class at church for the summer. Last Sunday was my first day, but next Sunday will be my official first day when I will be on my own. It will be a great experience and I am really looking forward to it. So that's my news. Jeff has just been working hard and lovin every minute of it (not really). I would love for him to get a new job. These long days are not good on him. He gets little sleep, but he is always a good sport about it.

Adam is being a little (a lot) ornery. Jeff swears he doesn't act like this when I am not around. So apparently, I bring it out in him. For the life of me, I cannot get him to listen. He constantly plays with things that we ask him not to. I think I had a small breakthrough this evening though. He thought it would be funny to throw all of his Alphabet magnet pieces on the floor. Then he started banging the cabinet doors. He sat in time out, and then I asked him if he would pick up the magnets - and he actually did it! I about fell over I was so surprised.

If you don't believe me that he is being a little stinker. Check out this picture. Earlier this evening, I was in the other room and walked into the living room and found Adam there holding this:Yes - that's sunblock. All over our carpet. If you look really closely, you will see the smile on his face. He thought it was pretty funny. Jeff and I didn't agree. I guess that you live and you learn. Don't leave a bottle of sunblock within a 2 year old's grasp.

Other than the sunblock incident, we did have one other funny thing happen. We had a little visitor to the neighborhood this evening.

There was a little deer that just walked through our yard and then through all of the neighbor's yards. He enjoyed a little taste of the neighbor's rhubarb and the corn she has sitting out the squirrels.

So that brings you up to date. Hopefully the next time I post will be before Adam graduates high school!! :)